In an innovative move, the Federal Council of Engineering and Agronomy (Confea) has launched its latest professional appreciation campaign, titled "Make-Believe." This campaign offers a fresh take on classic children's stories by introducing professionals from the Confea system as essential agents for the happy endings of these tales.
In one reimagined tale, "Rapunzel," the campaign introduces a mechanical engineer who designs and installs a safe system for the young woman trapped in the tower to descend safely. 
The story of "The Seven Dwarfs" also receives a special touch with the involvement of a geoscientist, helping the dwarfs optimize their mineral extraction. 
The creativity of the campaign shines through by reimagining characters like Jack from "Jack and the Beanstalk," where an agronomist uses her professional skills to turn simple seeds into a thriving beanstalk. This intervention not only saves the story but also highlights the importance of qualified and registered professionals in modernizing agriculture.

Agency: DeBrito Brazil  / Client: Confea (Federal Council of Engineering and Agronomy)

​​​​​​​STUDIO NUTS TEAM: Production Director: Valeria Lima / Creative Director: Tico Moraes / Project Director: Janaína Villas-Bôas / Project Manager: Gabi Lima  / 3D Artists: Adam Pierre, Rodrigo Félix, Tiago Piloto, Daniel Moreira / Creative Retouching: Thiago Storino, Emerson Oliveira / Photographer: Antônio Pedro

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